Volunteer Leaders
Each of our Calendar Projects and Annual Days of Service Projects are directed by a HandsOn Greater Phoenix Volunteer Leader. VLs are extraordinary volunteers who provide the leadership and commitment to make the 50+ monthly HandsOn projects worthwhile and enjoyable. Responsibilities include communicating with volunteers, creating a fun and safe volunteer experience, and reporting attendance, issues, and successes with the HandsOn staff.
Why be a Volunteer Leader?
- Gain leadership experience!
- Contribute to a non-profit that matters to you!
- Networking and social activities with other volunteer leaders!
- Free volunteer leader t-shirt!
Who can be a Volunteer Leader?
YOU! We provide in-depth training and ongoing support to make your project a success and you a successful leader! Must be 18 years or older.
How to be a Volunteer Leader?
- Fill out our application!
- Pass an online background check
- Go through a one-on-one leader training
- Get matched with the perfect project for your schedule and passions!
Questions? Contact Molly McArthur at (623)223-9075 or molly@handsonphoenix.org
Apply to be a Volunteer Leader!
Stories and News
Confessions of a Volunteer Leader
Quips, tales and anecdotes from our amazing Volunteer Leaders
An Amazin
g Experience
June 16, 2023
Seasoned HandsOn Leader, Theresa Dowling, spreads joy via backpacks just in time for back-to-school season.
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