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Volunteer Project Search

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Projects listed as referrals are run by our partner organizations. After expressing interest in them, the managing organization will contact you directly to confirm your participation.

Long-Term Volunteer Opportunities

In addition to the opportunity calendar, we also have opportunities that require more commitment or are more flexible on when they need support. To view these opportunities, please click here.

Court-Ordered Service

Due to the short length of our volunteer projects, we do not encourage completing court-ordered community service through HandsOn. If you do wish to complete your court-ordered service with us, please ask the Volunteer Leader to sign off on your hours after the project. Please note that our partner organizations manage volunteer opportunities with “Referral” in the title. HandsOn cannot sign off on hours served for referral opportunities. Please confirm your hours can be verified by contacting the opportunity coordinator listed under the project description.

We recommend St. Mary's Food Bank or Goodwill to fulfill court-ordered service. 

Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page.