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Live by the Code!

To ensure your efforts make the biggest impact possible, we ask all HandsOn Greater Phoenix volunteers to follow our simple Code of Ethics:

1. Please don't attend a project without signing up. If you sign up and can't make it, contact the Volunteer Leader or remove yourself online.

2. Arrive at each project 5-10 minutes early.

3. Follow all instructions from agency staff and the Volunteer Leader.

4. To protect client confidentiality, don't take photos unless you have agency permission.

5. Limit physical displays of affection, but positive words are always welcome!

6. Check with the agency and Volunteer Leader regarding gift and donation policies.

7. Let the HandsOn staff or Volunteer Leaders know if you require reasonable accommodations; we will handle such matters with the utmost discretion.

8. We do not discriminate based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, veteran status, or qualified disability. We ask our volunteers to operate with the same spirit!

9. Please wear appropriate attire to each project - including a shirt and shoes!

10. Don't attend a project if you're sick, intoxicated, or under the influence.

11. Smoking and tobacco products are not allowed at HandsOn projects.

12. Pets are not allowed to volunteer!

13. Before bringing children to volunteer, check the project description to ensure they meet the minimum age requirement.

14. Respect client confidentiality by not sharing names or details after the project.

15. Have a concern? Let the Volunteer Leader know immediately!

16. Do not establish personal relationships with clients - this includes exchange of phone numbers or providing transportation.

17. Treat clients and fellow volunteers as you would like to be treated.

18. The relationship between HandsOn Greater Phoenix and the volunteer is an “at will” arrangement, and may be terminated at any time without cause by either the volunteer or HandsOn Greater Phoenix.

19. Comment, concern, or compliment? Contact the HandsOn staff and let us know!



Common Messages